Monday, March 4, 2013

Church, Family and The Job Hunt


Well, I've done it again. On both of my blogs, I've not logged in months but feels like years. Adjusting to having a full family of three again is proving to be a task. Arranging time as best as I can and there is still not enough time in a day. If my kiddo doesn't need me then my husband does, and if he doesn't then the house does. If it's not one of the aforementioned, then it's our dog, grocery shopping, or a church function of some sort. E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D. I love it every day, but am definitely no expert at time management.

Lovebug and I have found a temporary church for our remaining time here in Washington. We attend Capital Christian Center. We've signed up and are about to send in for our certification for a program called Prepare & Enrich so that we can be marriage mentors to our first Small Group focused on Marriage On The Rock by Jimmy Evans. Prepare & Enrich is a program designed to help couples prevent and deter common issues that often lead to divorce that are avoidable when you take the time to prepare for a marriage based on more than just love. Once we get our certification back, Lovebug and I would be happy to try out being your facilitator and help you learn how to better your relationship!;pc=1362446557769;jsessionid=244AE626F7BE9D83750C0111F0AC0C45?id=pe*prepare_enrich*introduction.html&emb_org_id=0&emb_sch_id=0&emb_lng_code=ENGLISH

Our church has twenty-five couples who attended certification classes for this program to help marriages within the church, and around our community. I am elated each time that it is announced at church or spoken of within ear shot of me! Sign-ups began this weekend and we have already got two couples in our group which is astounding to me since we are not well known within this church yet. One of the couples IS my husbands friend/co-worker as well as our roommate and his newlywed wife. The fact that we have the chance to change things for people here is enormous. Families, marriages, children and communities will be forever changed through this beginning. I encourage everyone (single, married, divorced, old, young etc. to read Marriage On The Rock even if you cannot get into a small group devoted to this book. I plan on keeping everyone updated on this process.

I'm thinking about getting these for everyone in my group, not sure just yet.


My little family has been consumed by church here lately, and I just love it! We are learning and growing so much, I am just humbled by what we were not noticing before accepting Christ as our Savior! Our God is good, so good.

My mini-me turned two at the end of February and has made great advancements in speaking sentences and showing us her interests. Right now she is into Cars, Dora & Diego, Princess', Care Bears and baking! She gets the beat of the ABC's and even gets some of the letters right! When she first began "counting" she would say 2, 9, 2, 9, 2, 9!  Next it was all of her even numbers when we would help her count aloud, but for it has changed to 4,7,8! Today she got her first official hair trim and her curls are more bouncy than ever. She has even been riding a bike! She melts my heart.

(Now mommy wants a bike like this one!)


My husband did own a truck for the past month, but it was quite the beater. a '76 Chevy Cheyenne to be exact. It had a "mexican rebuild" for a motor that ended up blowing out on him a few days ago. While we had two cars in the family it was very nice! I started my job search and have been on quite a few interviews and now am not sure what this means for me quite yet, but I have not given up hope that I can enter the working world again.

We're trying to decide on quite a few things about our PCS to Fort Hood. We will be there by the end of July and I cannot wait to make it there! Being two hours away from familiarity and his family will be amazing! Hopefully he can fall in love with his unit so he doesn't find bad days running him over as often as what we have experienced so far. We shall see.

Maybe I should get this thing!


I really want to get back into school. We both think this marriage mentor thing is awesome. We've also found out we've both spoken with friends separately about being counselors of some sort. Assuming this is our forte, I'll eventually be going to school to get my degree after a long awaited approval from the man upstairs on my career path and dreams. Thank you God for the affirmation and determination! First thing is first, I have a loan to pay off from school before!

Well, here is a little of what has gone on lately:) Enjoy!


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