Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's been a while

A month or so to be "exact"
I've spent the past month digging deeper. Indulging a bit more in God's word, in my fitness, in planning for the near future etc. I apologize, although it seems as if there is no one keeping up with this, if anyone has missed me. Que: quirky sarcastic laugh.
Some new things going on for me:
I started a prayer journal!
I was "pinning" like a fool & came across probably the most valuable thing one could ever pin. I don't know why it took seeing it on a website for me to take interest and why I didn't think of it myself. A prayer journal is kind of like your diary you used to write in when you were like 12 and had entirely too many thoughts to just think them. So you wrote things down like "he is SO cute!" & "man she was a butt-head today!"... or at least I did. The obvious difference is this is written in prayer form, and in my opinion is better for the soul. Writing has always opened me up to think more deeply about my life, the big and the small things that have happened and will happen. I love writing to God! 
Once my little baby bear is forming her sentences better, I hope to help her have a "prayer time" each day. This way she can tell me what she wants to pray about, I can write it down for her & we can look back years from now and see how awesome God has been to her, as I know he will be.
I challenge you to start a prayer journal too!
You don't have to write in it every day, just when you get a chance. Soon, if you're like me, you will desire to have time to write to God. 
*I suggest you have your bible handy so you can refer to verses to guide you.*
I drink 6+ cups of water a day.
Duh, its healthy! Calorie free, and sometimes a drop or two of Mio MiO Variety Pack - 3 pk - 1.62 oz. bottles - Powders & Mixers (Google Affiliate Ad) & it's not only refreshing, but indeed is delicious. Drinking plenty of water helps every part of your body function properly, improves digestion & helps you lose the extra sodium & water weight! Mio simply makes it yummy for those who don't find water appealing. (CALORIE FREE!)
I take my daily vitamin.
This one is actually new, as in a few days. I read a week or so ago that taking a vitamin gave a woman vivid memory of her dreams. I wanted to see if it is true, and sure enough each night since I started taking them again (I'm very on and off about this type of stuff) I've been able to recall my dream. This, in my opinion, means that my brain is working differently, hopefully better, when I do take my vitamin. I take One A Day Women's Multi-Vitamin currently. Usually I find vitamins repulsive, but this hasn't been bad yet. I plan on trying these once I run out: Alive(R) Multi-Vitamin - 180 Tablets (Google Affiliate Ad).
I started OxyElite Pro again.
BEST "weight-loss" pill EVER! This is my second cycle. My first "cycle" I only completed about 3/4 of the way because the results I saw were phenomenal, in my mind at least. In almost 2 months I was down 15 lbs thanks to OEP & eating better as well as working out 60 minutes a day. I recommend this to anyone who doesn't mind 100mg of Caffeine here & there, as that is the only ingredient that isn't natural within it. 
My husband re-enlisted in the Army for another 4 years.
This was totally not in the plan, in the least bit. It was a sure thing that he was getting out. God had different plans for us though. This means soon I'll be packing up my bags & heading back up to Washington for a little while, then off to Fort Hood we go. I am beyond relieved we get to come back to Texas. My husband is a mama's boy, whether he wants to admit it or not. I am kind of excited to see what else God has in store for us. Deployment ends soon & that's what I'm most excited about!

Well, I'm going to attempt to get on here more often, but I have made some changes that are time consuming, and so we shall see what God brings me to find time for.

God Bless!
All-Around Health Nut In Training


  1. Very inspirational post! You seem to be making some amazing life changes! I hope all goes well with your husband & overall lifestyle changes! :)
    Thank you for your sweet comments, I really appreciated your prayers!!

    1. Thank you! I just wish I had more time to get on here and share my story! Hope all is well!
