Monday, November 18, 2013

Update Nov 2013

So, it's been a while! A cross-country move, broken laptop, new Full-Time job and even MY SECOND PREGNANCY has kept me too busy to blog! Well, now that my computer is up and running (slowly but surely), I'm about in my third-trimester, and I quit my FT job to pick Mary Kay back up... this blog is back in business!  Who am I kidding, no one reads this thing, but maybe some day someone will. Who knows!

Well for an update, I am almost 25 weeks along with this pregnancy. Baby number 2 is a girl, which Baby number 1 seemed to know all along. She is due March 6  and we are betting she will be here early just like her big sister was. I'm planning on breast feeding this time, even when times get tough I don't want to give up! I may be having a natural labor, as long as God is by my side all things are possible, right?! Let's pray on that one!
We've made it to Fort Hood and gotten fairly cozy and adjusted to our life back in Texas. We enjoy seeing family more often than during our time in Washington. My husband has actually kept the same goal for about a year now and wants to become a Police Officer once this contract is up. So far we are thinking in or near Austin, Tx. Anyone have any input on either the area or the job related to that area?
I am missing some things about Washington, but it's not as bad as I was missing being "home". I've found that with how busy I have become I started drifting a bit from my Godly devotion, and that saddens me. Part of this has to do with not being able to find a church we all fill at home with quite yet. However, on Sunday I realized we live in a world with technology and I could at very least listen to sermons from a church that I miss dearly in Grand Prairie. Crosspoint Church of Christ. That place really makes my heart whole, even only being able to hear the lesson of the week helps a bit.
We are looking at becoming homeowners soon, possibly in about a year and a half. We are actually looking at Palm Harbor Homes. Say what you will, some people don't like them. I really don't care because I love everything I know about them so far! It is such a perfect way to go for young adults with a family, and I dream of moving into a home that only we have memories in!
As for Mary Kay, I am thinking big things, and have a goal in mind this time, a more realistic and plausible goal. I just have to learn how to tackle the area I live in and make it mine! If you know anyone wanting to become a consultant, in need of gifts for the holidays or wanting to earn up to $100 in free products by hosting a party (even virtual parties win free things) then let me know. I'm going to try and keep from using this solely as a way of business, but every once in a while there will be some info about Mary Kay, if you aren't interested then just disregard. A girl has to earn her money someway, and what better way to do that then partying and pampering women everywhere?

For now, I have some late night laundry to fold and probably some rocky road on the agenda as well.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting about your second baby! I got your comment on my post today, and I wanted to tell you not to let the fact that it's different with your second baby make you sad! It's just different because your first changed you into a mother, and you don't have that same change ahead of you with the second. It's not bad for the first baby because the fact that they change and grow you like that is so special! And it's not bad for the second because then you have an opportunity to refine your mothering skills. :-) They are all special, just not exactly the same. And how nice (for both your kids) that you get to be closer to family now!
