Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm Getting Fat!

After years of depression and eating my feelings mixed with a drop or two of laziness as well as being a first time mother and the first year of marriage to a military man, I gained quite a bit of fat and lost plenty of muscle tone. I didn't put on weight, but definitely carried it differently after giving birth.
In a matter of 3 months after gradual miniscule changes to my diet each day and being excited about the gym each night for an hour I managed to lose 25 pounds! I'm 5'6" and started out at 175 and made it down to 150. I was the smallest I have been my whole full-grown life! I started out my lifestyle change by taking OxyElitePro and I LOVED IT! A girlfriend of mine introduced me to it, and she herself lost something like 20 pounds by taking OEP. She didn't even work-out or eat properly and had those results. I say thats awesome! The cool thing about OEP is it is all natural, other than the added caffeine, which I believe is only 100mg.
Since my husbands deployment started and I have moved back home to Texas where there are more yummy fast food choices, now that I am working full time and have a 40+ minute commute each way and with my toddler at me feet 24/7 I've put about 6 pounds back on. I've been looking for something to get me started on the right path again and for some reason I feel like the fact that I took OEP made me think about doing things right each day so that I didn't waste that money or feel bad about using a pill to aid in weight-loss. I haven't had time to go out and get another round of OxyElitePro and at the time could not find where to get it online as was out, so I recently ordered Oxy5001. I am not nearly as impressed with what I have read, but am going to give it a try and will keep you updated with my results.
Also, I came across a blog who had a link to this and I thought I'd see if anyone else might want to try it, as I ordered a sample for myself and will also keep you posted once I receive it and put it to some use.
Slim FX by Athletic X-treme
I am going to get in search of some recipes to get me back on track and will be letting you know of anything tasty I come across!
Thanks for reading again,
I need a gym buddy!

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