Thursday, July 26, 2012

Recent Reads

Fifty Shades Trilogy
E. L. James

I began Fifty Shades of Grey over 2 weeks ago and finished reading it just yesterday. I'd give the trilogy as a whole a 4 star rating, however each book has it's own rating within those 4 stars. I'll be seeing the movie out of curiosity.

Fifty Shades of Grey
While I would give it a 3 star rating this is not a book I would read again. I probably would not have read the rest of this trilogy had I not bought them as a set. Romance novels usually are not my cup of tea, but with all the hype I wanted to see what it was about. While the book did have a dirty scene or two and a dash of actual romance, I didn't find it entirely intriguing. I could argue that the only reason that the book kept my attention at all is because I am deprived due to a deployed husband, but it's not that important of a battle to fight.

Fifty Shades Darker
I am elated to have bought the trilogy after reading this book! It suits it's genre perfectly, as would any book written about the middle stages of a relationship. Learning about potential lovers is captivating and new which was captured well upon these pages. I give book two a 5 star rating as E. L. James comes off as a superb author here.

Fifty Shade Freed
Drama drama drama! With each page turn something was happening, and as I read I felt like it was just too much, which indeed life can be too much at the wrong time. It was still well written and I was impressed, but left with a whiplash-feeling from wondering where each event would lead. Book three receives a 4 star rating in my opinion.

Ed & Lisa Young

I came across Sexperiment after my recent (only about a month ago) realization of God's existence. I was in search of my church and a friend pointed me to one nearby, so I checked out their webpage which had this book plastered to the screen, and to my eyes! It is a phenomenal book and has taught me a ton! I ordered one from amazon and sent it to my husband who should be receiving it in a few days. Ed & Lisa Young (Pastor & his wife) discuss how 7 days of love-making in and out of the bedroom can help any sexual relationship. Although they do point out quite a few references to God and how He intends for sex to be used between husband and wife, it can help couples of all sorts. I give this book 5 stars, and will be returning to it for guidance once my husband is home for many years to come!

Got the Life

I am beyond thankful for this book. My husband came across it about a month ago over in the foreign land we're fighting for. A previous soldier had left it behind. Fieldy is from Korn, a popular band with Rockers of all types. In it, he goes over his life story and his coming to find God. I think this pointed out to my husband a lot about life and growing up, but definitely so much about finding God and letting him lead you. Our life will be forever changed because of his run in with Got the Life. I would love to thank Fieldy one day because it helped my husband have faith. The book as a read for fun I wouldn't usually pick, but because it is helpful beyond words I give the book 5 stars.

That's the down-low on my recent reads.
Currently I am working on The Power of a Praying Wife.
I'll update you all with my findings once I'm done!

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