Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Beginning of an "Era"

Its the little things...

Yes, the little things which have brought me time and time again to the thought of starting up a blog for the first time since I was something like 14 and Xanga was a cool place to hang out. I find that I keep plenty of thoughts to myself, and it's time to let the world hear them... per-say. 

Fascinating thoughts

I will probably end up blogging about more than I could list, but the major points in my life will most likely end up surrounded around:
Family (and the ups and downs involved with each branch of the tree)
I have a husband who is finishing up his military contract within the next two years, and my daughter and I are currently dealing with his one and only deployment. He & I have been through a few things more than most 22 year olds, married or not & I wouldn't change him for the world. We're coming up on 3 years spent together at the end of August. 
Our daughter is a 17 month old giant, the size of most 2.5 year olds we run into, due to her daddy being 6'4". 
I am not close to any of my family. By not close, I suppose I really mean I'm rather distant from them. I have means to contact them but prefer not to for many a different reason. I'm sure some of these reasons will appear in my blog accordingly. I DO have a friend of about 15 years whom I consider a sister. I'll just call her SD for short. She is currently my room mate and will be so until at least when my husband makes it back to my arms safely.
My in-laws; Let's call my husband lovebug just because it is embarrassing and he will be thrown by it. Well lovebug's parents are split, have been for quite a while. So, my mother-in-law's side is definitely closer to me than my father-in-law's, but I can't wait for the day where both sides can accept me and call me up for anything.
I go on random sprees where I can't stop reading, then I have a dry spell for up to years at a time. We'll see what I read during this said blogging era of mine. Currently I am on book 2 of the Fifty Shades series. Book one seemed like it had a little too much hype, good book but no better than I would expect any romance novel to be (I'm usually not into romance novels). I don't have a usual book genre, or movie genre for that matter. I'm fairly well rounded.
Health & Wellness
I have lost 30lbs. within the past year; really it was within a matter of something like 3 months, but with deployment and moving and coping I can't say I've continued to lose, but I have maintained perfectly! I am still in a good workout habit but not up to par with where I was during my weight loss. I was also eating a more rounded diet until the deployment showed me my way back to my sweet tea and fast food. I will conquer these issues before deployment is up. AND I will be able to do a pull-up before then too, no help needed!
I am a mommy and a nanny. I like to teach! I'm currently teaching the 3 year old sign language and her abc's as well as shapes colors and numbers. My daughter joins in when she can sit still for more than 5 minutes. I love doing crafts with them both and can't wait for the 3 month old to get up and moving!
VERY recently my husband and I both found ourselves at a pit-fall both as individuals and a couple as well as a family. We have turned to god through tough times, and you can ask anyone who knows us, it's beyond unexpected. However, I find myself more convinced each passing day and can't wait til I find the right church for my family so that I can engross myself in learning His word and finding the faith I have been looking for since adolescence.
I went to UTA for a year before overworking myself by having a part-time job a full-time job and being a full-time student. I lost my scholarship and gave up entirely too soon. I am currently enrolled in Meditec. It is an online school offering multiple choices. I have found myself at a stand still with my schoolwork since deployment began as well. Slowly but surely I am achieving minute amounts each day. I am about 7/8 of the way done with my first certificate and have two more following completion of the first. Once it is all said and done I will be certified in Medical Transcription, Billing & Coding.

Well I suppose this is enough about me for now. Let the blogging begin!
Ta-Ta my new found friends.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, definitely dig the writing style and can't wait to see what else you have to offer! Remember to take it slowly, blogger is sometimes difficult, but loads of fun.
