Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Procrastinate (vb)

-to put off or defer (an action) until a later time.

Well, once again I've taken an eternity to update you on my eventful life (no sarcasm intended)! I have been extremely busy. First it was my nighttime job throwing everything off, then I quit that job so that I could put my husband and family first, and ever since then I've been busy keeping everyone happy. On top of this, I've been helping a friend get through some tough times and we have taken her and her (newly) one year old into our home. This past week I attended Unique and Unstoppable Women's Encounter at Capital Christian Center. Needless to say, hectic sums up my whole past month. I enjoy blogging tremendously, and practically every day that I have not blogged, I've day-dreamed of tuning the whole world out for a few moments to type my life away on here. I decided to take some time late in the night to get back at it. No more procrastination.

When I was in school I excelled in English/Literature and have many a time thought about Journalism as a major, so I really need to make this more of a priority and figure out just how much I really like this, as well as find out what people think of what I have to say. To help get me into the habit of blogging, I am attempting a 30-day blog-challenge shortly.

Let me know what you think!

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