Monday, May 27, 2013


The compulsion to tear or pluck out the hair on one's head and face and often to ingest it.
I have struggled with this disease since middle school. I remember seeing my mother and my grandmother do these things as well, and we were all ashamed of it. Over the past year, since I realized there was a name for it, and it is a disease, I am not ashamed. This does not mean that I am proud, just that I accept it and can tell people about my problem.
I struggle less and less since I am aware and have realized my "triggers". Stress and Anxiety build up within me easily and lead to me pulling my eyelashes and eyebrows. It has been such an embarrassing struggle and I never understood exactly why I did it. I refuse to be a "puller" any longer! I have a daughter and do not want the chain to continue to her.
Since realizing what I was doing, and figuring out my triggers I found the only things that help me not to pull are praying, which sadly does not always work, and making others aware of the situation so that I know people are watching and they know that I am vulnerable. This keeps me on my toes and makes me not want to give others the chance to judge me.
Telling people is very hard, and humbling. I sometimes find it hard to believe that others will understand and believe that I have been through the life that I have. Sometimes I feel like I am complaining about nothing because I know there are people that have had it worse. My childhood was extremely hard and I will keep it at that for the blogging world, but between those stressors and seeing my mother and grandmother "pull" when they got stressed it led to my Trichotillomania.
Be aware. Accept. Inform.
Those are the only steps that I can say begin a working process on healing yourself.

 Order lash and brow building serum from my Mary Kay website and receive 40% off of this item every time.

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