Monday, May 13, 2013

My Dirty Thirty

John 14:21
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.
  1. I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and his Father.
  2. I am a sinner.
  3. I have been married for almost 3 years.
  4. My husband and I have a 2 year old! (26 months!)
  5. We are praying for God to bless us with a second child!!!
  6. I am a stay at home mama!
  7.  I became a Mary Kay Consultant on May 9, 2013!
  8. I'm currently hoping to receive a MK Mustang by May 2014!
  9. We have a Pit-bull and a Chihuahua.
  10. I graduated highschool.
  11. I completed one year of college at UT Arlington.
  12. My husband is in the US Army.
  13. We are from Texas and have be stationed in Washington (state) for 3 years.
  14. Next month we are going back to Texas! (He is getting stationed at Fort Hood!
  15. I love all things musical!
  16. I have high anxiety levels. (I do NOT keep calm!)
  17. I love to read but don't have much time for it.
  18. I love working out! (once I get half way through my workout).
  19. I am terrible at eating healthy.
  20. I play COD in my down time.
  21. I believe a walk through the park can fix any mood.
  22. I am independent.
  23. Since having children I have become lazy when it comes to my appearance, and I hope to change that!
  24. My husband and I host a group through our church called Marriage On The Rock, based off of biblical principals of marriage.
  25.  I rarely drink, the main time I drink is to flatter my husband, as he likes it when I cut loose. (haha!)
  26. God saved my marriage.
  27.  I had my first car accident (as an adult) at the age of 16.
  28. I spun off of the road during my most recent road trip during an ice storm in the middle of Wyoming in a high wind zone. It scared me to death.
  29. I am not crafty, but have crafty ideas.
  30. I. love. to. two. step.

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