Thursday, May 16, 2013


2 Chronicles 15:7
But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.
When you ask me what plans I have for my future, my usual answer is, "ask God". Surely I have dreams and desires, I just don't know what all of them are, and my dreams change often. 
I know I want to grow in my love for my Lord and Savior every day of my life. I never want to lose him, and I want to lead my family in a great example of Christ-like love! I want to know my bible in and out and know how to relate it to this crazy-real world.
I pray that I will be an amazing, out of this world wife in my husbands eyes and that I help God keep him happy for always. I pray we show our children, and this world a true marriage on THE ROCK. I pray we forever remember our hard times so that we know marriage does take work, and we have made it through entirely too much to ever quit on each other.
Right now we are actually trying for a second child. I don't know if it is so much trying as it is not-not trying! Haha! We both hope for a boy, but know that a girl would make us just as happy, as we've been shown that before. The both of us just want to have a good pregnancy experience now that our relationship is stable. We want to see what God had in store for us when done his way.
Mainly I pray that when and if God blesses us with another baby, that we both love our children just the same even though they will have come from two completely different times in our life. I pray we don't let our feelings toward each other in the past harm our first-born any more than they have and that forever she feels loved just the same as a possible new child. My heart hurts thinking about all the things she didn't have that a new baby might have. I know it will shape her personality, I just hope it is in a positive way!
Concerning my husbands military career, I hope he stays happy with whatever he chooses, and that the Lord make a way if it ever be that he may need to get out and venture into a career outside of military life style. All I know is I want him safe, happy, and confident in all his choices.    
When it comes to my career, I want to have confidence in myself, and be happy as well as support my family. Like most, I'd love the dream job. Thank the good Lord that I am in the beginning process of this as I started with Mary Kay May 9, 2013. I have so many possibilities and it is all up to God and how much work I put in. My Mary Kay short term goal is to get my Perfect Start Pin, Power Start Pin, and my Pearls!!! Within the next year I want to achieve the second level of car bonus and get the MK Mustang! I would love to be able to retire my husband off of my MK income and help my children through College wherever they might want to go, if they want to go.
I want to make it out of the country, even if it is just once. Mexico or Canada would even be fine with me, I just want to be able to say I've been elsewhere.
I want to start a Fundraising Foundation one day, I just do not know what for quite yet.
I hope to gleam Christ' love everywhere I go and be humble all my days.

Sadly, I know I am a sinner and sometimes I will just have to apologize to my Lord and the people I hurt along my life journey. I can only pray to receive forgiveness, and repent!

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